Nitro HTML Pro is a programming editor for HTML and Javascript source files. You can visualize how the resulting HTML page will be displayed in compliant Web browsers. The source code can optionally contain JavaScript and SVG specifications.
New features:
- Syntax highlighting
- FTP support
- Find/Replace
- Open several file types
- Open attachment directly from mail
- Use links between pages
- Additional samples
Version 2.0:
- No ad banner in Nitro HTML Pro
- Download an HTML page for edition
- Send HTML code as e-mail attachment
- Insert tags & code snippets (iOS 5)
- Fixed display issues
- French localization
- Undo / Redo
Version 1.0:
- Runs on iPhone, iPod touch and iPad
- Portrait and landscape orientations
- Graphical output (SVG) supported on IOS 5
- Split view to edit HTML source and visualize page at the same time
- HTML view
- Page view
- Save / edit files
- Examples provided: clock, fibonacci, pythagoras, svgrainbow, jqueryanimate, geolocation